Monday, September 29, 2008

FSOT blues

For a few years now, I've been playing the FSOT game on certain forums, Diaper Swappers and The Baby Wearer especially, although I've dipped my foot in over at Hyena Cart as well. I've been trading things like, unsurprisingly, cloth diapering items, babywearing items, and all and sundry of mom and baby goods. It's been a source of income (and outcome) and it's been fun, too.

I love searching for elusive things, like a pair of longies knit with a unique yarn colorway that will JUST FIT my daughter, or maybe a Mei Tai or baby wrap that is no longer being made. And then, THEN when I've found it, oh, the mad scramblings of trying to come up with the money for it before it gets sold to somebody else. Yep, fun. AND, because the same money is being "recycled" through the buy-and-sell game over and over, I don't have to take anything away from my family's budget.

But lately I've been having to sell things and use it for things like groceries, and things for the kids' schooling, and winter clothes/shoes that fit for the children. It's been kind of crappy, having to sell everything that we don't NEED, but it gives me a good feeling to be sort of contributing to the household expenses the best way I can.

It's not as painful as it could be, because my daughter is potty trained (NO MORE DIAPERS!) and she turns 2 years old in about 3 hours, so she isn't being worn as much as she used to be. So, really, I'm being practical in turning those things into money.

I just miss the thrill of the hunt, I guess.

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